This bus will be traveling to Albany from multiple stops with the first being New Paltz. The schedule is as follows: Leaving from New Paltz Thruway Exit 18 Park and Ride at 7:45a. Stop at Kingston Park n Ride (Thruway Exit 19) for participant pick up at 8:15a. Stop at Catskill Park and Ride for participant pick up. Leaving Catskill Thruway Exit 21 Park and Ride at 8:40 am. Arrive to Albany at 9a.
Please note that a fee of $10 per person is required. Payment may be made in the form of check, cash, or PayPal by February 2nd.
For questions related to this bus, please reach out to your library system representative:
Ramapo Catskill Library System: Jen Park,, 845-243-3747 x286
Mid-Hudson Library System: Laura Crisci,, 845-471-6060 ext. 260
Westchester Library System: Megan Brown,, 914-512-3660