Embracing diversity is essential in creating a welcoming and thriving library environment. It is important for library staff to look inward to better understand their personal bias, and to look outward to consider the library environment through a culturally responsive lens. Participants will explore the value of cultural differences and come to understand intended and unintended microaggressions that cause harm to library staff and the overall environment. These interactive sessions will examine the call to action from the ALA and the ACRL Diversity Standards and participants will develop action plans and implementation strategies for immediate use.
This curriculum will be completed over the course of six 2-hour sessions. Attendees are required to have use of a microphone and camera as well as the ability to provide meaningful conversation and interaction with their peers. While this curriculum is free for RCLS member libraries, anyone who does not complete the curriculum but who had signed up for the course will be charged $500. Registration confirmation is dependent upon the participants and their supervisors signing a Memo of Understanding regarding the course completion requirements. The following are the course dates:
September 15 - A Call to Action
September 22 - Implicit Bias: Understanding personal story and its impact
October 13 - Cultural Proficiency Continuum: Self reflection and library review
October 27- Library Environment Scenarios: Unintended micro aggressions, bullying, harassment
November 17 - Strengthening the Workforce: Get out of your candidate comfort zone
January 5 - Presenting and Celebrating our Work
Participants will be expected to complete a project at the end of this course. Please register for each session. Contact hours: 12 hours professional development.